If you’ve been here before and you’re visiting my blog again, you might notice that things look a lot different.
I redesigned my whole site just a couple of months ago, but just after the new year, we had a technical failure that resulted in me losing every blog post I’ve ever written. Losing my site is kind of like watching someone demolish a building. But that building is in your name, and you can’t do anything to stop it or undo it.
I’m no writer, really. But I’ve enjoyed sharing and documenting over the years. And I do have the option of manually recovering most, if not all, that I’ve written, but truth be told, that seems more daunting than it’s worth. And really, my own interests have shifted, leading me to the recent redesign, so I’m taking this opportunity to start over and start fresh.
If you’re visiting from Pinterest, you might be looking for one of a couple specific articles that I’ve written.

The good news is that I’ll be re-publishing those posts really soon! I just need a little more time to dig out from underneath the rubble and get some walls back into place. If you have any questions about these posts, please feel free to leave a comment below or shoot me an email! I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have!
So if you’re still here, thanks for sticking around. There’s a lot more new fun stuff coming! In the meantime, you can catch me over on Instagram!