I’ve added this page as a resource for myself and others to use to do our parts in dismantling racism. For far too many years, we have acted in ways that demean and remove value from the lives of our black neighbors. It has to stop.
Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter.
It’s our responsibility to work through our own white privilege. It’s not just imagined or perceived. It’s real. And it very much affects our lives in ways we can’t always see. I hope this page is a resource for us to work through our privilege.
- This is a video from the New York Times that brings to light the misuse of black gifs, emojis, and videos by white people as a means of digital blackface. This particular video helped me understand my own mistakes and has helped me choose my internet reactions much more appropriately. [source]
- This video on systemic racism is a GREAT eye-opener to a system that has existed for hundreds of years, and it shows the importance that we break down this system NOW. [source / source]
• This is a great article explaining how the way we as white people use BVE can be appropriation. Let’s choose our words wisely! [source]