Remember when Wordle took over early this year? Everyone was playing it and sharing their results daily! If people are still playing it, they’ve toned down the sharing, so it doesn’t seem as popular as it was at first.
Confession: Cody and I still play. Every day. Not only that, we have a list of about a dozen games we play daily. Once we lay down in bed, we snuggle and play our trivia games.
Not only is it a fun way to spend some nerdy time together, it’s a great way to flex some problem-solving brain muscles – especially the geography games. I feel much more confident in my knowledge of world geography!

Here’s the games we play daily – do you play any of these?
Heardle – try to guess the song of the day in as little time as possible.
Wordle – Y’all know. Six tries to guess the five letter word of the day.
Globle – Using a map, play the hot/cold game to guess the country of the day.
Worldle – Guess the country by it’s shape. The bonus rounds include guessing the neighboring countries, flag, population, etc.
Statele – Same as Worldle but for the US States.
Framed – Guess the movie using still images. (The first time we played this, Cody took a WILD guess on the first image and got it right. It was the still image of a plate of food from an obscure scene from The Imitation Game.)
Episode – Same thing as Framed, but with television shows. This one is only a once weekly game, not daily.
Plotwords – This one is most challenging for us. It gives a clues about a movie plot line and you have the guess the movie. Some of the words can be pretty obsure!
CineNerdle – This is a grid of nine blocks and you can tap each block to uncover an image. The image is a still frame from a movie. These can be tricky!
CineNerdle 2 – A grid of 16 blocks with words or phrases on them. Arrange them in rows of 4 according to the movie. This one is a hard one to explain but it might be our most fun right now!
Emovi – Guess the movie using an arrangement of emojis. This one is either super obvious or super tough!
Moviedle – It will play 1 second of a movie (a group of frames super duper fast) and with each incorrect guess, it will play for more time. This one can be really hard!
Phrazle – Like Wordle, but for common phrases or idioms. I love this one!
This seems like a lot, but it really only takes us about 15-20 minutes to play through all of them. It’s a great way to wind down from the day and spend some time together. Try some of these games if you haven’t already!
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